In order to obtain warranty services, the customer contact Ring's 24/7 online support hotline (Hong Kong +852 5808 9388)or Ring official 24/7 online support chatbot( .
如 Ring 24/7 實時在綫支援熱線診斷商品出現缺陷,客戶需截圖實時聊天記錄或要求 Ring 24/7 實 時在綫支援熱線發送電子郵件確認商品狀況。
If Ring's 24/7 online support hotline diagnoses a defect in the product, the customer should take a screenshot of the real-time chat or request that Ring's 24/7 online support hotline send an email to confirm the status of the product.
客戶需出示購買發票產品盒標籤,並須提供聯絡姓名、電話、產品序號、產品購買日期等資料給本公司。 Customers should provide product information and their contact information with the presentation of the warranty label and sales receipt to CyberTech HK.